Himalayan Ski Village
Himalayan Ski Village (HSV) is a mixed-use resort development project that aims to develop potential ski slopes and tourism facilities in the lower Himalayas. HSV project will be located in the Kullu Valley of Himachal Pradesh, near Manali. From company vision to corporate values and ideologies, HSV is committed to sustainable environmental and economical development meeting local and global concerns. The primary objective of the Himalayan Ski Village Project is to provide world class tourism facilities, which showcase the local culture and environment of the western Himalayas.
HSV's vision is to promote socially and environmentally responsible tourism, with the key values of safety, environmental ethics and stewardship. It looks towards bringing prosperity and employment to naturally beautiful local areas without harming their social traditions or the ecological balance. The ski village will offer the local community abundant employment and business opportunities, while upgrading their health, educational facilities and financial well being.
HSV has set up its Department of Sustainable Practices (DSP) with its sole charter that the socio-economic environment that HSV will be a part of is not only sustainable, but also enhanced positively as a result of this project. At DSP, this is very important to find linkages whether its livelihood and rural development inputs led to improved social, economic and environmental practices. In the new paradigm, environment management becomes a mean to help people to achieve better life quality. A far more eco-friendly life style will qualify for good quality of life for the communities residing in the villages surrounding HSV landscape. An understanding of this pertinent relationship between the improved environment and good quality life pertains to a very different mindset which is so very different from the emerging consumerist life style in India.
A key factor in planning and design of the HSV is environmental sustainability. From site planning to landscape design and architecture, the principles of "green design" will be embodied in the resort community. HSV will launch a series of initiatives in order to accomplish its vision of sustainable socio-economic development. The initiatives will centre around three core themes: Community Care; Environment Care; Capacity Building and Outreach. In each of these categories, it requires putting people at the center of the HSV’s tourism development. Accordingly, the implementation of the actions based on these objectives will be able to achieve the perceived goal.
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